Agricultural Sciences (B020)

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Name and features

Course name in Italian: Scienze Agrarie

Course name in EnglishAgricultural Sciences

Degree code:  L-25 Classe delle lauree in Scienze e tecnologie agrarie e forestali

Curriculum: NO

Duration: 3 years

Credits: 180

Language: Italian


Informational material: brochure



The degree course belongs to the Degree Programme Class L-25 (Agricultural and Forestry Science and Technology). It aims to prepare graduates skilled in agricultural, vegetable and animal production and their impact on the environment, life and health, able to smoothly enter the world of work and operate in various fields of agriculture, either as an employee in public or private companies, in park authorities and local, territorial authorities either as a freelancer. The course includes lab activity, technical-practical exercises and guided tours of Italian agricultural enterprises.


Specific educational objectives

The graduate in Agricultural Science will be able to access employment opportunities in the various traditional and innovative sectors of agriculture, including freelance profession (Junior Agronomist- Section B); public administration in non-management positions; applied research in public and private agencies; technical assistance at agricultural companies; national bodies and international institutions (E.U., F.A.O., U.N.U., U.N.D.P., U.N.E.P. O.N.G. etc.); credit and insurance institutions; analytical laboratories for agriculture and environment; environmental monitoring and defence. The graduate in Agricultural Science has the basic knowledge, method and content to be able to carry studies in the following L.M. classes of courses: LM-3 (Landscaping), LM-7 (Agricultural Biotechnology), LM-48 (Territorial, Urban and Environmental Planning), LM-69 (Agricultural Science and Technology), LM-70 (Food Science and Technology), LM-73 (Forestry and Environmental Science and Technology ), LM-75 (Science and Technology for the Environment and the Territory), LM-86 (Zoo technical/ Animal husbandry Science and Technology). The L.M. in Agricultural Science and Technology and Natural Resources Management for Tropical Rural Development is in line with the CL in Agricultural Science.


Articulation of training activities and curricula

The Degree Course in Food Technologies has a typical duration of 3 years.

The student's regular activity corresponds to the achievement of 60 university training credits (E.C.T.) per year. One E.C.T. corresponds, for the student, to a standard load of 25 hours of activity, between didactically assisted and individual study. The student who has in any case obtained 180 ECTS by fulfilling all the provisions of the teaching structure can achieve the qualification even before the three-year deadline.


The 180 CFU are acquired through:

  • The passing of 19 compulsory exams;
  • the acquisition of 12 E.C.T. at your choosing;
  • the testing of English language proficiency, level B2 reading comprehension (6 E.C.T.);
  • the performance of an applied practical internship (6 E.C.T.);
  • the final examination (6 E.C.T.).

Study plan

Coorte 2022  

Coorte 2023



Prof. Piero Bruschi



Last update



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